Take a moment to consider that a guy can go on amazon, spend $200 on mismatched airsoft larp costume gear, and straight up kidnap people.
Just stop his minivan, run out, put some flexcuffs on someone ($20 for a 1000 pack), and haul them into his minivan.

Maybe someone takes a video of this, it doesn't really matter. Every fed agency just goes "is he with you guys?"
A few hundred bucks in airsoft gear:
None of it is expensive, it's literally marketed for teenagers with disposable income
A guy could spend a few hundred bucks on mismatched Chinese-made airsoft gear and look *indistinguishable* from any militarized pig.

With free shipping, too.
Then, the world's his oyster. He can drive around at night, in his black minivan, and screech to a halt, run out, and hustle his victims away.
The local cops would even help him if his victims complain. Lend a hand, help kick the shit out of the person, taze them a bit for him.

Hell, probably the local feds too, wearing the exact same stuff.
He could run out, with cops standing right next to him, and they'd *help* him kidnap his victim.
Take a moment to think of how cheaply, and easily, you could abduct victims.

You could do it a few feet away from cops, or feds, or any mixture between the two.

You could do it with several cameras recording the whole thing.
Think of what you could do, with your larp costume.

If you were feeling bad, with a headache or something, you could simply let a cop do the work for you.
You hop out, point to your victim, and shout "stop resisting!" and stuff, in a cop voice.

Let a nearby cop kill the person for you, then just drive away.
If you really didn't feel good, diarrhea or something, you probably wouldn't even need to get out of your minivan.

A loudspeaker and tactical flashlight and you can get a cop to do all the work for you.
Take a moment to consider how *easily* you could be a serial killer, just by pretending to be a cop.

Then imagine how easy it is to be one when you actually are one.
A few hundred bucks on mismatched airsoft gear would let you kill and abduct people right in front of cops, on video.

How much easier would it be if they were your buddies?
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