I’ll be honest, I’m a Left-winger, but I’ve never understood the visceral reaction many left wingers seem to have to the concept of military recruiters.

Unless you advocate total abolition of the military (if so, fair enough I guess), there’s going to have to be recruiting! https://twitter.com/eyesleftpod/status/1283859124707418112
Most jobs in the military are not kicking in Iraqis’ doors. Only 40% of the people who serve even leave the United States. Mostly the military is a bunch of truck drivers, warehouse managers, & maintenance technicians moving boxes around & oiling parts for 4 years to get GI Bill.
Unless you’re an abolitionist when it comes to the military, I don’t see there being a coherent argument for why being a random Motor T mechanic in Fort Benning from age 18-22 is any more immoral than, say, working in an Amazon warehouse or being an insurance claims processor.
The problem isn’t people’s individual choices. We don’t get structural change by shaming individuals for taking the opportunities presented to them.

I want Medicare for All.
I want GI Bill for All.
I want (super improved) VA for All.
I want other job opportunities for all.
But I’m not going to get all worked into a knot because a kid from smalltown USA with shit opportunities signs up with the one option that provides them longterm prospects for a little bit of dignity and the chance to climb into the Middle Class.

Recruiters aren’t evil wizards.
So, like, Army eSports is kind of goofy, but it’s more an example of how the military spends a fuckton of money on recruiting which often leads to them throwing stuff at the wall to see what works, than it is some kind of predatory dark arts CIA psyops.
A lot of times people direct anger at the military as an institution which they should actually be directing at their own elected officials - who made the decisions on how the military is structured, disproportionately funded, and is being deployed.

Those soldiers didn’t choose!
And let me tell you - those elected officials NEED to hear this shit!

They aren’t hearing it enough! Too many people in the Capitol are under the incorrect impression “voters don’t care about war/foreign policy”!

Fucking stop tweeting about Army esports and tweet at your Rep!
They’re about to vote on a $740 billion defense spending bill!

Like next week!

Fucking call them!
Convincing a progressive 18 year old who can’t afford college to not join the Army doesn’t do anything to stop endless war.
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