I'm just gonna put this out there;

Members of the automotive press (and other car-people) seem consistently baffled by the fact that Japanese-market cars have an interior beeper to warn you that you are in reverse. They think it's ridiculous.

I think it's genius.
I have many, many times been behind someone who doesn't know their car is in reverse. They might have backed up because they overshot a red light. Or maybe re-positioned in a drive through.

You cannot tell them they are in reverse without literally walking up to them.
I would find it very comforting to know that every car made had a "hey, dingus, you're in reverse!" noise so that this just wouldn't happen. Or at least way less frequently.

The Japanese figured this out decades ago, and apparently nobody gets it, and it infuriates me.
Everybody who's like "oh that would be so annoying!"

Look; here's the deal. The car is about to go in a direction in which you are not facing. That is inherently dangerous.

A beeper when the car is gonna do that is, in my opinion, an obviously beneficial thing.
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