because i'm feeling inspired and want more angry weirdos in my mentions when i wake up, here's why i say #hakimlittleton was justified in firing at a police officer:
yes, i think he was trying to facilitate an escape and free his friend BUT more importantly
the police are a historically and contemporarily antagonistic force against black people and in black communities. they evolved from slave patrols and still cling to some of those practices.
they were, for a very long time, a well-known state-funded arm of the klu klux klan. they were instrumental in beating down any and all attempts by black people to gain equality in this country. cops habitually stood by when white civilians attacked black people.
they have facilitated and continue to facilitate the wrongful accusations and executions of innocent black people.
they implement racist policies while making them facially neutral. they enforce truly neutral policies and laws in a racist manner, targeting black people at a far higher rate.
despite drug use and drug dealing rates being near-identical between black and white people, black people are arrested, charged and convicted at a far higher rate
while it is no longer advertised, the police force continues to serve as agents of violence serving white supremacy. police forces have a long history of punishing, firing, and harassing black officers who speak up about racism on the force
there have been groups of black people who joined the police determined to stamp out the racism and were either chased out of the department or compelled to go along to get along
just a few years ago a DOJ report confirmed that police dogs arw trained to target and attack black people.
in the past few years, black people have been killed by cops for complying in numerous horrible ways, have been murdered in their cells before they were charged, have been murdered for resisting unlawful arrests
even if every single one killed by cops was "guilty", guilt in this country means little, given that it was built from the ground up to oppress black people. laws have been passed simply to make it easier to arrest and convict black people.
just because a black person is guilty does not mean they deserve to die.

black parents have to tell their children from a very young age exactly how to act around cops to avoid attention - aka avoid getting killed
so yeah, #hakimlittleton was justified to fear for his life, to fear for the life of his friend, to not want to die like an animal. he was justified.
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