Veganism is the defense of living beings. To be pro-life is inherently not vegan. Here’s why:
I've said this once, and I'll say it again.

We don’t fight against the consumption of eggs because we’re upset about the unfertilized eggs being consumed. We fight against the consumption of eggs because the mother of those eggs is being tortured.
We don’t fight against the consumption of milk because we’re upset about people drinking milk- we fight against the consumption of milk because the mother is being artificially inseminated, her babies are being stolen, and she’s being tortured.
We care about the welfare of HUMANS and ANIMALS because they’re PEOPLE. PERSONS. Living in TERROR.

If vegans were pro life , we would support child bearing people being forced to either bring a child into a cruel world or pursue unsafe abortions.

That wouldn’t be vegan.
To be pro-life is to value unborn lives, mere cells, more than living, breathing human beings.

Abortions are necessary in order to protect all child bearing people. When you take away the choice-the power of reproduction from women and animals- what power do they have left?
And I'm not talking out of my ass. It is widely accepted in sociology and political science that reproduction of people and ideologies is the true power a woman bears in society.

That's why men fight so hard to take it from us
Lastly- and I say this with my ENTIRE CHEST. It is not the place of women who have never been pregnant, who have never faced the decision of whether they should and can keep their child, to dictate whether women have the right to make that decision.
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