so. giorno giovanna has a dream. except in this au his dream is to become a top idol in order to meet and confront dio, his legendary idol father that took the world by storm, but also abandoned he and his mother after a long term affair (1/?)
with her which resulted in giorno. giorno knows he’ll never be able to get any sort of acknowledgement from his estranged father without being on equal footing as him, and therefore, giorno wants to surpass his father as an idol. giorno auditions for a newly forming idol (2/?)
group under passione productions, but he is cut in the last round of auditions for not fitting with the rest of the members they plan on hiring (this group giorno is rejected from will be la squadra idol group lmao). HOWEVER. giorno’s audition was seen by bruno bucciarti, (3/?)
the leader of another newly formed idol group at passione productions that has yet to officially debut. bruno is amazed by giorno’s natural performing abilities, and tells giorno that he wants giorno to join his group. giorno is hesitant, seeing as he would be an addition (4/?)
to an already established unit, but bruno insists that he believes giorno is just the kind of idol that would really tie their group together and make it feel complete. bruno asks that giorno at the very least come to their practice and watch them perform before making a (5/?)
decision, and giorno agrees. at the practice, giorno of course meets the other members of bruno’s group (abba, nara, fugo, and mista. duh. yall know em) and cant IMAGINE them working well as an idol group. but then they perform for him and giorno is AMAZED by how strangely (6/?)
amazingly they perform together, like their differences in personality bring out the best of each other on stage. after seeing them perform, giorno, having faith that this idol unit has the potential to go REALLY far, agrees to join. from there, the au is about bruno (7/?)
convincing the production company to allow giorno to join, giorno convincing the rest of the group he’s a worthy addition to their unit, and them growing as idols, debuting, and raising their popularity!

thats the basic set up at least haha thanks 4 reading (8/8)
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