Lol. So why is the church full of poverty ridden tithers while the wealth of this world is controlled by those who aren’t even religious to begin with?

This doctrine is so far removed from God’s instructions in Malachi 3...
They quote Malachi 3:8 to justify this “if you don’t tithe you’re cursed” talk, but if you’re under the new covenant you’re not cursed because you don’t tithe, because Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law - Gal3:13
Perfectly explained here...
Also not tithing doesn’t hinder you from receiving blessings from God, that’s another lie from the pit of hell.
Every single blessing that is our birthright as believers was purchased through the Cross, you do not have to tithe to access these blessings...
I pay tithes not because of fear of any curse but because a) that is one way I choose to honor & appreciate God and b) we need money to do the work of the Kingdom here on earth (that’s why you have to be sure of where you’re taking your tithes to).
Do not forget that God sees the deepest intents of our hearts.
Why are you paying your tithes?
Out of fear because your pastor says you’re cursed if you don’t or because you genuinely want to honor & appreciate God with your seed?
You’re less likely to give cheerfully (2nd Corinthians 9:6-7) when you’re motivated by fear.
So be sure of why you’re paying your tithes, make sure your motives truly honor God and give as led by the Spirit.
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