1/ Gave my first #journalism talk ever today at @SRCCON, and I couldn't be happier. One person described the end of my talk as, "very much like the ending of godfather, but here John kills everyone," which is about the best thing you can say to someone throwing lots of punches.
2/ I threw a lot at everyone in this ending, probably the finest soliloquy I'll ever give, so I figured I'd throw it up here to continue the conversation of what comes next. I also welcome more challenges and conversation. I didn't do this to hear myself speak. Here it is:
3/ "I worry that problematic "bugs" in the system of journalism are now becoming "features" that benefit a certain set of users. In other words, the current paradigm does a lot to serve the status quo and the leadership that are currently steering the ship.
4/ That has a trickle-down effect that diffuses responsibility and entrenches the cultural problems that plague us.

This means in order to "survive" in journalism, you often have to internalize the very values that are antithetical to change and innovation.
6/ Many of those privileged few are selectively supported by their privileged friends who have been riding with them for a long time.

It creates a feedback loop.
7/ In effect, journalism doesn't always realize what it's missing by neglecting journalists and communities of color because many of the people who could speak to that don't make it this far.
9/ But in the worst cases, they become less humble and open to perspective as a result. They're constantly conditioned to trust themselves above all others.
10/ Meanwhile, the world, and to be more precise its information ecosystem, has been completely transformed by the democratization and proliferation of information through social media and increased internet access.
11/ This has happened so quickly and blindsided journalism so thoroughly that many leaders don't know exactly which way to turn the ship. They operate under assumptions and habits that guided journalism 20 or 30 or 40 years ago.
12/ But as some of those strategies exacerbate the problem or don’t move fast enough, a sense of urgency and gloom takes hold as layoffs continue and media organizations increasingly go extinct.

This narrows our vision and we start to trade long-term goals for short-term wins.
13/ Journalism has become a game of subsistence, and as we all starve waiting for more sustenance, our attempts to triage the situation are sometimes constrained by the ones who are in most need of help.
14/ That means our system-wide reforms often have to appeal to the lowest common denominator -- the very organizations and leaders who are understandably the least equipped to innovate or change.
15/ Meanwhile, the public, at least those of them who are lucky enough to have consistent internet access, have grown impatient with our solutions as an addictive, appealing alternative opens up to them through social media.
16/ Devoid of gatekeeping and comparable values, social media rewards them with what they want to see instead of what they need to see. Their expectations about journalism get shifted.
17/ The line between opinion, analysis and news continues to be blurred while entire communities go ignored. As a result, the goalposts get moved, and journalism tries to compensate.
18/ But the old guard sees problems in unconventional responses and doubles down on traditionalism as the situation gets worse and worse.

It spirals out of control.
19/ The flames are getting bigger and hotter, but we're still sitting at the table (like the dog saying, "This is fine") out of stubbornness and a lack of better options.

Well, this is me getting up from the table. I'm grabbing a bucket.
20/ I'm filling it up at the faucet of community engagement, racial and socioeconomic diversity, data, solutions, accountability and collaboration.
21/ I'm inviting others, especially the ones with Black and brown skin or the ones who remind me of my badass mom, to help put out the fire -- they're excited as ever to shape a new future for journalism.
22/ And we're ignoring the silly ones -- who are still sitting at the table -- as loose threads on their pleated pants start to ignite when the flames get closer. We might not be able to save it in time.

But we're going to try.

Let's go."
FIN/ Thank you again, #SRCCON2020. Y'all are amazing.
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