It’s absurd to me that nowhere in sex-ed do they discuss pelvic floor conditions which are fairly common. It’s so isolating to share experiences with ppl and their responses basically imply that it’s unfathomable that someone would want a relationship w/ someone w/ my condition
and I think the reason ppl have these knee-jerk reactions is because they just are so uninformed. I’ve felt unlovable for a very long time and i don’t even consider this to be Over Sharing on the Internet, I think it’s almost necessary at this point. I want so badly for people
to reconsider and question everything they’ve been taught about sex. This thread is particularly uncomfortable to write as I’ve always kept this topic a secret but I’m so tired of feeling less feminine and I want people who may be in similar situations to know that pelvic floor
pain isn’t as uncommon as they think, that they can empower themselves by letting go over the ideals that have been ingrained into them about what sex is (YOU get to define what it is), and that there are people out there who will love you even when it feels like your body doesnt
Not to add onto this thread but I’m just in pain so much both physically and mentally and it’s so hard for me feel in control of my body. It’s so hard to not feel pathetic. Okay I’m gonna go LOL
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