Most older Americans and people with underlying health conditions including obesity, diabetes, COPD etc. need to continue to shelter in place.

Vulnerable individuals are supposed to continue to shelter in place until a state enters Phase 3 of the President's plan for re-opening.
It's hard to tell exactly which states are in Phase 3 of the President's plan and harder still to tell if states in Phase 3 should be in Phase 3.

It looks like vulnerable individuals should be sheltering in place in most states, however.

It would be good to have data on which states have met the gating criteria of the President's opening plan - and which states met them but no longer meet them.

In the meantime, most vulnerable Americans probably need to continue to shelter in place.

Having to shelter in place after four months already is terrible for vulnerable Americans.

Even worse is the risk of having to go out to work or having family members who do.

Are we actually shielding all vulnerable Americans?

The risk to older people does not magically start at age 65.

Nearly 40% of Americans are obese.
Close to 12% have diabetes.
6-8% have COPD

It looks like half of all Americans should be sheltering in place in most states.

We are not really protecting our citizens.

We should be getting rates down so that everyone can go outside.

We should be making it possible to shelter in place for all vulnerable citizens.

We have to help their families too in order to protect them.

We need to think about how an economy can recover if half of its citizens are sheltering in place at home.

The road to recovery is the same as the road to safely reopening. Get cases down through high quality masks, testing, tracing, and isolation.

We are failing a huge proportion of our population by not making it safe for them to go anywhere.

We need to talk more about what this means for vulnerable Americans' safety and mental health, for their families, and for our economy.

(end of thread)
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