If a white supremacist group said "whiteness" was characterized by "self-reliance," "rational linear thinking," "planning for the future," "delayed gratification," a strong work ethic, optimism, monotheism, punctuality, and politeness, it would be roundly denounced for racism.
This graphic implies that "blackness" is typified by dependency on handouts, irrational thinking, shortsightedness, an absence of self-control, laziness, pessimism, polytheism/animism, lateness, and rudeness.
Yet the National Museum of African American History and Culture (Washington, D.C.) is the one that is publishing this graphic on their website, apparently viewing these traits as deficient or even bad. They also assign "win at all cost" and "wealth = worth" to "whiteness."
The graphic also targets Christianity as the religion of "whiteness." Yet Xy at its inception was as African as it was European. It flourishes still in both African and African-American societies, more so than in modern white European society.
Africa today is as Christian as it is Muslim (about 40-45% each). 85% of the African-American population identifies as Christian, as opposed to 1% Muslim, 1% other religions, 11% unaffiliated, and 2% agnostic or atheist. So how is Christianity and "whiteness" coterminous?
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