3\\ Strange how those who oppose the passing of the Nation Security Law are the ones who also condemn China's actions in Xinjiang. Amazing how you can kill millions of muslims and still convince many people that you care about the welfare of Uyghurs & muslims in other countries.
5\\ Here is one of the dubious reports
Even if you have little understanding of data collection or methodology you should understand why extrapolation of a data set in this case can be very problematic.
6\\ How did they arrive at this number of 1 million? Good question..
If China is in fact committing genocide, it makes no sense why the Uyghur population has doubled in 2 decades or why China allows for the existence of Mosques. If genocide was the aim, they've failed
8\\ If you believe Uyghurs are being rounded up into concentration camps, being forcibly sterilized ect then I reckon you also believe that WMDs are still a thing, That the US is the most caring nation, and that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself.
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