Just started reading #DisabilityVisibility by @SFdirewolf. So far, I've read her intro + Harriet McBryde Johnson's essay...and it's difficult to articulate just how affirming it is to just read about disabled people living. Being. Moving through the world as so many of us do.
Yesterday, I read @talilalewis essay in #DisabilityVisibility.

Re: failure to understand content: Instead of being chided or insulted for not knowing, they were affirmed for their interest and ability to challenge themselves.

Thanks for changing my own inner dialogue.
Today, I read @maysoonzayid's essay in #DisabilityVisibility. Having spent almost a decade in a (toxic) church where people fasted for 40 days straight, it was enlightening to learn that there are faiths that respect people's medical limits.
Today, I read @ariel_henley9's essay in #DisabilityVisibility I related so hard to post-surgery pain. And the article Ariel and her sis were interviewed for at 5? Just felt exceptionally cruel, as they answered basic questions, and had no idea how they were abt to be portrayed.
Today, I read @JenDeerinwater's essay in #DisabilityVisibility and I'm angry and heartbroken at the medical barriers (racism, ableism, erasure etc) that she and so many more experience. Thank you for talking about this.
Reading June Eric-Udorie's essay in #DisabilityVisibility and I relate so hard to all the ableism within the church and how it messes with you. I feel so seen.
Just read Jeremy Woody's essay in #DisabilityVisibility and I'm so glad his experience is included in this book.
Jillian Weise's essay in #DisabilityVisibility was all kinds of terrifying because of how true it is. Especially the end. How our need for adaptive equipment is so subjectively judged and can be deemed "unnecessary," so we can be denied it.

Ableds don't know that fear.
Liz Moore's essay in #DisabilityVisibility reminded me of my own journey in accepting myself as a disabled woman. It's so hard to do when you're surrounded by so many voices telling you how you should "fix" yourself / that they want to "cure" you for their comfort.
Ricardo T. Thornton Sr.'s essay in #DisabilityVisability is so important. It's vital to hear from intellectually disabled people who have lived through institutionalization.

He was released in 1980 - the year before I was born.

The place closed in 1991. I was 10.
I read @Pliers_Sky's essay today in #DisabilityVisibility on trans and disabled fashion. I had no idea that GID was still in the DSM until 2013. And I am so here for their fashion sense and ideas and radical visibility.
I read @HabenGirma's essay in #DisabilityVisibility and I LOVED the way we (the audience) were let in on the strong bond between you and your guide dogs. So lovely.
Reading @DianaCejasMD's essay in #DisabilityVisibility and it drives home the power of community and how important it is (and how rare it is) to be able to own one's own story and medical history.
"Now I understand the exchange of silence for the comfort of others as oppression; in this case because I still fear knowing how little value my life might hold for others." - Sandy Ho, #DisabilityVisibility
Just read @Keah_Maria's essay in #DisabilityVisibility and I love it. (The fact that you don't apologize for the space you take up anymore sounds so liberating! Thank you for sharing your story.)
Just read Keshia Scott's essay on asexuality in #DisabilityVisibility and I felt super seen. Zero interest in sex. (And this fact has zero to do with my disability.)
Jessica Slice's essay in #DisabilityVisibility on Imposter Syndrome is so relateable. Though I am not a parent, many aspects of being disabled lead me to feeling "subpar" in so many areas, due to internalized ableism.
I needed @snarkbat's essay in #DisabilityVisibility like I need air...and I did not even know it. Disabled people's anger is valid. We have reasons to be angry. We should not need to make ourselves smaller...yet so many of us are forced to become like paper cranes folded small.
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