THREAD: Over the last week there has been a lot of confusion around antisemitic statements from athletes and entertainers that are being referred to by some as “Black Antisemitism.” In a moment when the Jewish community is reacting to and anticipating antisemitic violence, (1/xx)
we have to take rhetoric seriously, but this characterization erases the experiences & existence of Black Jews, and it doesn’t help us understand or fight antisemitism. So let’s stop for a moment and listen to our Black Jewish (and some non-Jewish) siblings: (2/xx)
First, let’s start off with a breakdown of both the historic origins of several antisemitic tropes & how they intersect with the forms of oppression & racialized marginalization that Black people face globally with this thread from @MalanasQueendom (3/xx)
It’s also vital to keep in mind that Black communities have been subjected to repeated very real conspiracies that targeted entire communities, while government bodies pretended otherwise. (4/xx)
There’s also been some historical revisionism within white Jewish spaces about the size & scope of Jewish community participation in the Civil Rights movement, which unfortunately creates even more confusion. @MaNishtana outlines this here (5/xx)
In addition to the way any antisemitism lands with any Jews, there has been a layer of confusion because many white Jews, who benefit from white privilege, still experience our whiteness as conditional. (6/xx)
That conditional whiteness many Jews experience adds additional shock at seeing antisemitism come from people in marginalized communities that many Jews view as potential allies. (7/xx)
Next, lets think about the consequences of antisemitic rhetoric - who gets the most media attention & who loses jobs over it, who apologizes & whose apologies are accepted, who is allowed to make teshuvah, & who will always be viewed with suspicion (8/xx)
Think about power dynamics of who's spreading the rhetoric, who benefits, & how we react. Look to experts on antisemitism - remember it's a machine used by those w/power (or seeking it) to target Jews *and to* discourage & distract from solidarity (10/10)
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