1/ The untenable situation of the working parent - @PantsuitPolitic
As we get closer to the school year, parents are faced with the difficult choice of whether to send their children back to in person learning. For some this an easy decision either way.
2/ For some it is the hardest decision of our lives. I would like to tell you about our decision.

One child has anxiety and OCD. He needs the structure and social learning of the classroom.
3/ Another child has a speech delay, he needs the classroom and service provide at the school building. So our children will be going back to in person learning.

But wait...

My husband is immune compromised. With no treatment or vaccine, he is more susceptible to Covid-19.
4/ So our children will be virtual learning for the year.

But wait...

My husband and I have full time jobs. While our employer has been fantastic during the pandemic, when does that leniency run out. When must we return to the office.
5/ We have commit to virtual learning for a semester and what happens if the leniency runs out during the middle of the year. So back to in person learning we go.

But wait...

My husband is immune compromised, so I will quit my job. But we can’t survive on one income.
6/ I love my job. It’s my first corporate job doing what I love. So my husband will quit his job. But we can’t survive on 1 income. He is almost at his vestment period for his “stock options” so he can’t quit. Plus our insurance that protects us if we get sick is tied to his job.
7/ So back to in person learning we go.

At the end of the day, this cost benefit analysis is the most awful decision of my life. I have already watched one baby struggle to breathe in the PICU for 10 days and I never want to do that again. We need our jobs but
8/ we do not want sick children. We don’t want a sick dad. We don’t want to put our teachers and administration in the situation where they have to make these same decisions.

What is the answer? I am not sure. But working parents are having to make terrible decisions.
9/ I am not saying that stay at home parents aren’t making difficult decisions because all these decisions are hard. But I know what my decision would be if I was a stay at home parent and it’s not an option for the working parent.
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