people are allowed to enjoy books and give 5 stars to whatever they want. it doesnt devalue their reviews, and it doesn't make them "untrustable". also, some people set out to specifically read what they enjoy so ofc they'd give them 5 stars. this isnt school; this is a hobby.
i feel like people should be allowed to read critically, and also to not read critically. if you don't like how someone reviews books, don't follow them. but don't go around saying you don't trust their opinion, especially as someone who also has a platform.
booktube is meant to be fun. and a hobby. we are all here reading and doing it in our own way...and there are thousands of us. there is no reason why someone giving majority of their reads 5 stars should upset someone enough to devalue their reading habits? idk. maybe its just me
if you want to read every book critically, fine, go ahead. but ive noticed that 90% of the time when this discussion comes up its bc someone who DOES read critically is throwing shade at people who dont? and also u can give a book 5 stars and still drag it to the gutter...
i guess in closing, if u want to give every book 3 stars and write out a 5 paged essay about your thoughts, do that! if you want to give every book 1000000 stars and leave it at that and simply scream about it in ur videos, do that. there's always someone who will love it.
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