thread of things DIA have done that shouldn't be real but they are –
eunjin kicking herself in the face
when heehyun went on a variety show and was like yeah i was really popular in my hometown bc i was hot :) but people from that town came out and said no one knows her 😭
when eunice said at their showcase that woowoo was going to be their last comeback and after DIA went viral for it she said lol sike
heehyun's armpit hair incident
the reactions when they opened an eunjin page while they were looking through their old albums
when they won an award for being PHOTOGENIC... being pretty truly is a talent
the promo pics for their debut showcase
somyi's and eunchae's reactions when they saw a white man at their fansign
when heehyun fell off the stage and literally broke her leg but went back and kept performing
when yebin all of a sudden just MADE UP that they were going to make a comeback
when chaeyeon got strawberries as a gift and jueun got a frying pan
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