What if young people are leaving so called gospel-centered churches, NOT because they are drawn away by the world, but because they are not drawn in by the preaching of a diluted gospel message that has nothing meaningful to say to the brokenness we see in the world?
Jesus shines when he not only heals us as individuals, but also as communities, and the whole world. This is the reconciling work that Jesus does through his life, death, and resurrection.

Why settle for anything less that the fullness of what Jesus accomplished on our behalf?
I'm seeing how young people don't want to attend sterile country clubs, but gritty field hospitals that are seeking to make an impact with the love of God in the spaces they occupy.

They want something more authentic, more real, & more relevant than what many churches are doing.
Young people today are actively looking for the activity of the Holy Spirit. They are searching for the ways God is moving & want to jump aboard. They are looking for the imprint of Christ in this world.

Sadly, they are finding it more outside the American church than inside it.
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