They’re lying to you.

Media outlets & personalities (+ other left-wingers) maliciously took a @PressSec quote out of context (full below) to fraudulently make it sound like she didn’t care about the science she went on to explain supports the move to reopen schools.

I’m as shocked as you surely are that @Acosta is leading the charge to pretend someone from the Trump Admin made a point that they obviously didn’t.
Ditto that for @weijia.
@nycjim was also one of the first to get involved in the gaslighting.
Incredible how @washingtonpost left off the part where @PressSec says quite clearly that the science supports their decision and cites a JAMA study to the same effect.
@CBSNews does the exact same clickbait bullshit.
And as @loganclarkhall and others have pointed out, whenever the information that, once added, would clarify that the statement wasn’t what these people were purporting, it doesn’t get anywhere close to the attention.

As seen here, from @JoshNBCNews.
@guardian got in on the act too.
But it wasn’t just media folks who got involved. Here’s one of my (surely many of our) former faves @BillNye, just pushing outright partisan lies.
The threads come for all, so, at the risk of something between insolence and blasphemy, @JamesMartinSJ must be added.
Speaking of insolence and blasphemy, @PalmerReport had something to say.
And @Popehat had his snark to add.
And the Democrats themselves got into the mix. Here’s the @DNCWarRoom
And @tedlieu wouldn’t let the facts get in the way of a good old fashioned partisan pile on.
Same behavior from @JoaquinCastrotx
All the Dem alums got the talking points. Here’s @ChrisLu44
Plus the made-for-Twitter doctors are on too. Here’s @DrEricDing.
I’m sure this thread will only keep getting longer.
And of course, the usual grifters jumped on to the bullshit bandwagon, too. Here’s the reigning champ, @ProjectLincoln
And of course, where dumb grifts go, @JRubinBlogger is sure to follow.
And here’s whichever of the Brothers Krassenstein in a dress is behind @HKrassenstein
You want to know why trust in the media is at an all time low? Why no one is wailing and gnashing their teeth when they hear reports (about Trump or whatever it may be) that should be jarring?

Because of shit like this. Absolutely inexcusable.
This is head-splittingly dumb and it’s so many of the same voices over and over again doing this.
Wherever stupid goes, @ericswalwell is always close behind.
This is going to put me into an early grave.
Here’s @thedailybeast doing the same thing.
And @RollingStone with the same BS.
And @GeorgeTakei, clearly and deliberately missing the point.
If they don’t agree, just say that! Use your beloved fact checkers and give her a thousand Pinocchios or whatever! Why do they need to blatantly lie about this?!?!

My God I feel like my brain is melting out of my ears.
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