i’ll say it again. Everyone in the fandom is strong, you guys do nothing but scream about how much you love the special mv. all you guys do is defend gabs for shit other people does to her. and you get hate for it. but a lot of you, no matter how much y’all get hit-
lots of you stand up again, and keep going. it’s truly encouraging and very very impressive. and if they wanna say that stuff to you, if they wanna use the f slur at you, if they wanna insult you. what have any of you done that’s worse than what they are doing right now?
there are some ppl in the fandom who may say stuff they shouldn’t of, but that is on them. and the right people in the fandom will tel them that what they said was not appropriate or ok. the fans who are cautious, the fans who are careful, the fans who just wanna have fun
get punished for doing it, but always stand back up afterwards. and that’s the strongest thing. so no matter what they say, the people who know you better than them will tell you other wise. and hey some of them might see this. if so, Hi! say what you want, but
e gonna get back up anyways. this is all i’m gonna say about this topic. I just wanna mind my own business and have fun. and if being called insults gives me that. then so be it.
i know people might think this thread makes me seem delusional not knowing how ✨toxic✨ the fandom is. well i know there are toxic people in this fandom.. there are some out there, but i don’t generalize. not everyone in this fandom is toxic.just cause a handful is-
doesn’t mean the whole thing is.
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