Imagine you own a casino. You’ve got security walking the floor, but you know you’ve got thieving dealers and cardcounters ripping you off. It’s costing you £1m a year

Security can’t see everything right, they’re going to miss things. So you invest in state of the art CCTV....
These cameras cover every inch of the floor, zero blind spots. Your security watch the cameras 24hrs a day.

At the end of the year your still losing £900k. You check the tape and the cameras have caught everything.

What’s at fault?
- the cameras?
- the security company?
The technology is catching everything that’s going on, there’s no problem there, so why get rid? You wouldn’t.

The point of this is, it’s not the technology that’s the problem it’s the people operating it i.e The PGMOL
Don’t get caught up in this “it’s not working so get rid of it “ agenda. If VAR was operated by competent skilled officials, to high standards, it would be great for football.
Get Mike Riley and all his minions out of football, it’s their fault we have to have it all in the first place.
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