Enneagram chat: I'm a 5. It is not uncommon for me to hear things from people that tell me they think I'm withholding information/knowledge. (Like, that I have more to say about a project/topic.) I know this is a 5 thing.

I rarely have a clue what they want from me though.

I try to get them to ask me more specific questions. But they often just want me to apply my knowledge/info to the issue and tell them what I think. I try to do that, but they seem to want something more/different. Like are they expecting me to solve it?

(Sometimes I could solve it but it's not my job and then I don't know to simplify my response so as to not invest all the time it would take to solve into instead sharing my knowledge. So I'm left with the burden of solving the problem that's not my job or saying nothing.)

Typically I have no idea how to solve it and I'm left scratching my head when they keep wanting to know more of what I think.

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