I don’t care about whether Evangelicals consider me Christian or not. Evangelicals point fingers at one other all day — calling *each other* unsaved, apostate, backslidden — all for disagreeing on menial theological shit like symbolic baptism or continuationism.
Even if I was straight, I’d have to prove my membership status based on other arbitrary spiritual concepts. So I’m going to live my happy gay life, talking about faith and queerness, prob adopt kids one day who’ll see me being a happy lesbian Christian, and they can just die mad.
I mean, really. All of evangelicalism is a lose-lose. Nobody wins. Everyone’s a heretic to each other. A white cishet conservative man could basically walk into any evangelical church and be greeted by someone who says “So do you believe in PREDESTINATION or are you SATAN?”
Why sit here worrying about the opinions of people who compose random-ass litmus tests like “Was Jonah swallowed by a literal fish?” and then use them as a basis for imposing moral judgment on others LOL. Like, clearly their problems are way bigger than queers existing
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