As calls to #decolonizeGlobalHealth increase, LMIC-based researchers, healthcare workers, collaborators should also push for this from our end. My take:
1. If you're not actively in research, continuously educate yourself, up your game & find local researchers to learn from.
2. Don't sign up as collaborator/data provider w/ Global North researchers (or anyone really) w/o understanding (proposed) study protocol

3. Ask about ethical approvals & assist to apply per local rules. Often a huge hassle & protracted process. Waivers need IRB approval too. 2/
4. Once you decide to collaborate, do so with integrity. Actually provide value & flex your scientific/ contextual knowledge. Don't be a passive participant, whether you are paid or not. Ask questions, make input. Don't render your presence immaterial. 4/
5. Ask about your role in abstracts & manuscripts up front. Depending on your role, you or a representative for your group may be on every paper, some papers, or just one. But ask, & when the abstract/paper is being developed, ascertain how the order of authors is determined. 5/
Still on abstracts/papers: make an actual meaningful contribution. See ICJME guidelines 👇🏾. Many local collaborators miss out on this not because they are incompetent/unwilling but because they were not invited by the team leads/PI to contribute. We need to change that. 6/
6. If you can't/won't fulfil authorship criteria, you may get a named acknowledgement, with your permission. Whether or not you're named, ensure your local org is acknowledged. But trust me, authorship is where the sauce is. That's what adds to research careers. SO GO GET IT. 7/
Helicopter-type research needs to go. Global South should actively participate in authorship of work that they make key contributions to. No gifted authorships, but no exclusion either. Be responsive, give value, be pleasant to work with. End/ @ejemaim @paimadhu @GenderEquitySci
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