
Thread on “October Surprises”

An October Surprise is, “a news event deliberately created or timed or sometimes occurring spontaneously to influence the outcome of an election.”


2016 saw three doozies:

1. Access Hollywood tape. (Ineffective.)

2. Wikileaks release of hacked Clinton campaign email. (Devastating.)

3. Jim Comey re-opening email investigation. (Nail in the coffin.)

I’ve thrown a lot of surprises.
I’ve been surprised occasionally.
I’ve never ruined a surprised.

Until now.

Spoiler Alert: Stop reading this thread if you’d like to be surprised in October.

The first is obvious: trump will claim (aka lie) a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine has been found, tested, produced, already deployed, and we’ll have so much vaccine we’ll beg him to stop vaccinating.

The second is named Durham.

Democrats who think I misspelled Dunham and meant Leah, would be wrong.

I meant Durham. John Durham. A name 100% of people on the Right know, and close to 0% of Democrats have heard of.

Durham’s report is expected in...

You guessed it.

Was originally supposed to already be released.

But Barr has indicated it won’t be ready until...

You guessed it.

The Durham investigation isn’t like the Mueller investigation. It’s endgame isn’t to produce a report. Their goal is to bring criminal charges against those they “investigated” and found to have broken the law.

Meaning, we could wake up one day to Grand Jury indictments.

In May, Barr said neither Obama nor Biden was the focused.

Over the last 17 months, we’ve learned Barr is an evil lying liar who will go to any lengths for trump.

And even if they aren’t the focus, trump and the Right will make them the focus, and make a lot of noise.

There will be no convincing trump supporters, many Republicans, and maybe even some Independents, that this is nothing more than a last ditch attempt to save trump.

But that’s all it is.

So it’s important for Democrats to be prepared, to not be surprised, to be armed with the truth — and most importantly, not shit their pants, which Democrats excel at.

In 2016, too many Democrats said, “I love Hillary, but this thing with her emails...”

That can’t happen again.

Democrats need to resolve, beginning in their own minds, that they will call these accusations what they are:


After Democrats dismiss them as lies, Democrats need to stop trying to explain and immediately pivot to making clear it was trump, his family, his friends, his advisors, and his campaign who conspired with a foreign adversary to destroy Hillary Clinton.

Bottom line:

Don’t fall for it. Fight it. Flip it.

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