I want to talk about ageism.

I've had multiple people comment on how young I look within my working life, I can't help but think what does age infer to us and when did it become okay to comment on someone's age?
Am i supposed to justify? Tell you my age? Am I seen as less experienced than an older colleagues (who might have qualified after me). Is there wonder at *why* I have my role? What would this be like if I were male, would it be different?
What does 'you're so young' really mean
Would I be treated differently if I were older? Would I be assumed to be more competent? Would this somehow equate to more respect?

It utterly baffles me people say this out loud. What is the intention?

I get people may see it as a compliment but it doesn't negate what it means
If you question from a 'younger' position , do you automatically fall into a category of "all these younger people with far less experience" and get dismissed as such? What does that even mean? We must be dismissing if we have a different opinion? https://twitter.com/SelinaTour/status/1283848053162737666
And again our age is positioned as less experience which is supposed to silence us?
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