So we’ve had a lot of questions lately in regards to the harassment taking place in LA, Chicago, and other cities. Our allies want to know how they can do to better our communities and fight back for us.

Here’s some suggestions on how to start!
1️⃣ Talk to the women you know. Check in on them. Prove that you care and are a trustworthy ally by putting in the work. Do not speak over them, discount their experiences, or excuse bad behavior. Listen. Don’t accuse them of being “emotional” or “making the community look bad”.
2️⃣ Create a survey for your community about the experiences of women and queer supporters. Ensure anonymity and protection for coming forward. Take the experiences seriously. Pay attention to patterns and experiences that are echoed by the majority —start by fixing those first.
3️⃣ If you see something, say something. This goes for online, in the stands, events, and away games. Hold the men and perpetrators in your community accountable by calling them out. Inform them that any discriminatory behavior is unacceptable and there is zero tolerance for it.
4️⃣ Educate yourself and other allies. Take time to read about women’s issues, past and present. Share resources and articles within your SG networks. Pay attention. Don’t always rely on women to carry the burden of educating you. Google exists, learn how to use it. We’re tired.
5️⃣ Look into bystander intervention training for your community, especially leadership. Make sure there are designated people to handle uncomfortable situations that arise for women in the stands. Speak up. Our friend @Rachael_With2As is a knowledgeable (and affordable) resource.
6️⃣ Change the bylaws of your SG to enact a zero tolerance policy for any type of harassment, violence, abuse, discrimination, or general bigotry directed at women. Enforce them. Make sure all offenses are documented and reported through the proper avenues.
It is never too late to enact change and make sure the things women have endured in our soccer communities never happen again. You’ll be surprised by how fast things change when everyone’s on the same page. We hope this helps.

Any other suggestions are welcome in the replies! 👇
You can follow @ThePlastics_SG.
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