A Comey Tale - Thread - What we know now against what was said then….Back to the future
Comey was asked twice on whether Gen. Flynn lied in mid and late 2017. We know now that Gen. Flynn did NOT lie and he didn't talk about sanctions
Context is important…Remember it was Kislyak that initiated the calls to Gen. Flynn and that it was O'Biden Homeland Security under former DOJ NSD Lisa Monaco that had NOTIFIED the Transition team of the expulsions and sanctions against Russian officials. Read this closely.
Same context but also remember Strozk's notes. @SidneyPowell1 says that they are from a range of Jan 3 to the 5th. O'Biden - Logan Act/The right people. Strozk-Happy New Year yeah right. Read closely on the dates.
The following pieces are gleaned from Comey's June 8, 2017 testimony before our lovely Senate. I chose this testimony because I figured he'd be more frank amongst the stench of corruption.
Comey and the FBI knew that Sessions would recuse and bypassed him. Regarding the "let Flynn thing go" they decided the BEST MOVE, yes think about those 2 words and context. Their best move was to hold onto the info and figure out what to do with it.
Again they knew Sessions would recuse, career people (Dana Boente) were recommending it.
Context here, we know now the FBI knew the dossier was a DNC product back in June 2016 per Steele's most recent judgement in the UK. So how do you BRIEF the President on it without really briefing him? Just use the salacious piece
Again same context, they knew it was a DNC fake product. Read this VERY closely it's my favorite and most damning. Please don't investigate the dossier.
We found out today that the Primary Sub Source for dossier disavowed it by January 24, 2017. Remember what else happened on January 24TH? Comey sent 2 agents to ambush Gen. Flynn. https://twitter.com/RussiaHackSite/status/1283800247089725442?s=20
Russia, Russia, Russia but my favorite part here is… No he never had a convo with Trump about Russia interfering, but he did with O'Biden
Kislyak lived in a den of Russian intelligence officers LOL. He's the Russian ambassador and all conversations with him were in fact never an issue. There was NO reason for Sessions to recuse.
Remember from earlier in the thread, what was their BEST MOVE? Of course it was the Special Counsel. His memos initiated it as he said they hoped it would. Then Mueller loaded his team with anti-Trump prosecutors and acted senile much like Biden
After he leaked his memos to spur the SC he handed them over to Mueller. His plausable deniability in all this, he maintained that Pres. Trump was not under investigation during his watch.
That happened the day AFTER he was fired, Comey just primed the pump for the Special Counsel, AG Sessions was recused from multiple investigations so Rosenstein so did they then bury them? https://twitter.com/ZZZJazzy/status/1283035277833969669?s=20
Almost four years and no arrests, I wonder why Mr. Sessions, Mr. Mueller and Mr. Rosenstein?
Oh yeah, one more piece of context… It was FBI subcontractors accessing raw intelligence illegally. All under Comey, but I'm sure he didn't know
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