Quick thing,
- The title bruja does not = WICCA.
- Bruja should not be confused with being a Curandera either.
- The Bruja title is not relating to any specific religion either.
Being called a Bruja was always seen as a NEGATIVE THING in older history.
The new gen/younger Latinx started reclaiming the Bruja/Brujx to go against colonization. See, any woman (back in the day) in the indigenous community who was strong, a healer, a matriarch or warrior was called a Bruja by conquering forces and sentenced to death.
So you see, by reclaiming that title Bruja or Brujo it is both an act of healing that negativity that was thrown on our indigenous ancestors who were burnt alive and beaten for being magickal.
Most Brujas or Brujos I know don’t have a specific religion they are apart of. They usually just practice whatever folk magic and natural healing wisdoms that were passed down to them or within their culture. But that’s not to say they couldn’t choose to initiate or clm one
The difference between a CURANDERA & BRUJA LETS GO:
- A bruja was seen as using spells or magic to harm others
-A curandera uses her powers and knowledge to heal
The oldest history I’ve found and studied suggests that the term BRUJA evolved from a colonized indigenous woman, one who would not convert to Catholicism.
The Catholic Church spent the entire 16th Century converting the indigenous peoples (Navajos, Apaches, Pueblos, etc.) to Catholicism. This process of religious conversion was not accepted among the indigenous peoples.
The indigenous women & men who did not convert were ostracized from society and were labeled as brujas/brujx ; thus their ways of worship labeled as brujería.
To me, La bruja symbolizes the resistance of the Church’s doctrines. To me, La bruja’s work or brujería is resistance to colonization. They tried so hard to beat the culture and ways out of us. But a lot of it survived. And will continue on.
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