Yeah now that I’m not 12 anymore I realize a lot of adult celebrities made creepy comments and gestures towards Justin Bieber while he was still a child
Let not talk about the weird snl skit where Tina fey played his teacher who was infatuated with him, he was 16 at the time 🤢
Or nicki Minaj with the “buns out wiener but I gotta keep an eye out for selenur” and grinding on Justin in that music video when he was still a minor 😬 yikes
Oop and the very creepy photo shoot he did with Kim kardashian while he was also still 16
L.A Ried saying 14 yr old JB was beautiful like a woman 🥴
Evan Rachel wood saying she had a huge crush on him while she was in her 20s and he was still a minor 🤔
Chelsea Handler being flirtatious with him every time he came on her show 🤧
Entertainment weekly wrote this in 2011... asking if baby bieber was becoming “jailbait Justin” and clearly noticed the creepiness from older female celebs towards him 💀
I should remake this thread with receipts i didn’t even mean to start a thread there were just so many instances i-
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