The decline of a society doesn't happen over night but in small increments. There's shifting in language, culture and education that seeps into all areas of our society. Now you can go into any industry or area that hasn't been washed in politics. It's so we do not notice.
For example, growing up "he" was the default pronoun used to refer to things when one was unclear of something's gender. Slowly over 30 years, I've noticed a subtle switch to "she". It's honestly not a big deal and most have not even seen it. It's one of many things out here.
Things have been switched. Another example, if you were to point out that a child is dressing inappropriately years ago, many adults would agree. Now, if you see these children dressing sexy you are called the pervert or pedophile because you sexualized that child. Another switch
People used to be ashamed of receiving gov't benefits. They'd hide their food stamps and how to get off as soon as they could. Adults used to gossip kid people were unemployed and called bums if they lived on their parents without income. Now, it's almost acceptable adult life.
Women used to get cussed out and now take pride in being a b*tch. Men don't care if they can provide for a family or not. Children on tv talk about their type in relationships and being Instagram famous. Objectifying males is cool while women is a no no. It's in our faces.
America was the envy of the world and now people try to tell us how to live. Foreigners think we need to do things their way, fellow citizens actually fight for communism. Commie used to be a dirty word. Hip hop use to fight the power and now bends to it. What else do you see?
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