To @thinglygrammar 's point about Notep's being A. predatory and B. Making themselves available.

You see how a lot of people jumped to Nick's defense based on one short clip of the less inflammatory (for a lot of folks) thing he said?
And how those short Umar clips do the same (specifically the interracial marriage/white wife ones). People are shown little easily sharable clips of things that, because of the larger "accepted" rhetoric seem reasonable and share and defend and legitimize these people
And then use those little clips later to say "Well he has some issues but he made some points" nevermind that those "points" were also dripped in inaccurate and harmful rhetoric, just the kind that is seen as "passionate problackness" and given a pass.
And by that time the clips are already all over the TL and people who haven't caught up to why what they said was wrong and brought up to speed on all the other violent things they say have seen them, agreed with the milder "points" and share them so on and so forth.
Umar, Tariq and the people that follow in their footsteps prey on Black people searching for history and identity and self esteem. They draw folk in with talk about amazing magical melanin that makes us super special superheroes because of "Science" that "they" are hiding from us
They tell us that we're better and smarter and that we're the real "true" everything, the first everything and that white people and non black people are actually inferior to us because again "SCIENCE."
Then they give people answers to the questions they've always had. Wrong violent answers but it isn't seen that way because these men are supposedly "pro black" because they think we're magical king beings. They talk of Black pain as a problem only THEY can fix.
Meanwhile the "solution" is just handing them your trust and money so they can replace white men and attain the power they think they should've always had. Patriarchy, homophobia, capitalism, punishment, subjugation but make it Black.
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