I refuse to surrender to the realm of “the political” how or whether I love my neighbor and/or my enemy or perceived enemy as Jesus did and commands us to do. I’m not rendering that to Caesar. All that belongs to God.
2/ Caring for immigrants and about Dreamers is not political.

Wearing a mask to protect others in a pandemic is not political.

Caring about racial justice is not political.

Caring about the unborn & children is not political.

Why do we render to Caesar what belongs to God?
3/ Now, there are often needed policies in the political realm that will arise once we DO care about people and love our neighbor, and those policies can be debated. But, loving people in the name of Jesus is only “political” if you understand we’re representing God’s Kingdom.
4/ If I am more passionate about who wins an election than I care about God’s people sacrificially loving each other and all the people that God loves and Jesus died for, then I have rendered to Caesar my affections and allegiance, and those things do not belong to him.
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