I sold a couch i have in my sunroom that i got a few years ago to host out of town guests and to nap/read on. I’m putting in a reading chair & standing desk instead. It’s the right call, but as soon as i did I burst into tears; this is life now. No guests, no office to go to.
The reality of all of {this} hits is weird waves. I went on a road trip Sunday and saw some new parts of the state; but the only reason i have a car is because I can’t be in friends’ cars and as a single person I can’t travel with anyone. I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
I’m so lucky and have so many privileges that I recognize and honor; the speed at which this virus has changed everything just catches up to me sometimes and its often a sneak attack
Selling that couch turned today into a crying day. Ugh. Thanks for letting me say this.
Thankfully i have this dumdum to kerp me entertained.
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