Maybe you slept through civics; States actually have more power than the federal government.

Hence legal weed in like 20 states now, and every city in California is safe for illegal immigrant workers.

And you are tired of what BS exactly?
The fact that a Democrats want minority votes to keep their power?

That they will do/say almost anything to appease them, get their vote but not actually do anything about it? (Chicago is a perfect example)
Fact: @joebiden co-authored the 94 Crime bill. As a Democrat, sworn to help the poor black people, signed into law by a Democrat President (accused rapist) @BillClinton

That crime bill hurt more black families than any other race.
Fact: Obama, who was an Illinois Senator prior to taking office, did nothing to help the black community.

And the militant wing of the democratic party ( #BLM #ANTIFA) are most certainly destroying their cities.

And they blame Trump
@lilchiva Bitch this is America, the country I took an oath to defend, from all threats; foreign and domestic.

there are many like me, who will not sit idly by and watch the democratic party, the party of the KKK and Jim Crow , destroy it.
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