I was definitely not on board with Metallica early, not having rejected them or anything, just I was listening to pop and hair metal and stuff then. I started listening in the AJFA/Black Album corridor, but didn't go back and spend any real time with RTL/MOP until later.
I imagine myself at 11, having heard Poison and Def Leppard and whatever else was on MTV at the time, and then listening to "Battery" and being like whaaaaat
The title track is the reason terms like "face melting" were invented, Lars doing crazy stuff with those delicious rolls on the bass drum
And then the virtuosity in the bridge!
I think Justice is my personal favorite Metallica album. you should follow @BayAreaData, btw; in addition to being the second-most handsome person named Daniel in this thread, he's a smart data journalist and a music writer.
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