I think today’s the day that I snap about American response to coronavirus.

People are 100% alone, dying alone, suffering, and nobody cares.

Instead of caring, we’re talking about rights, fuzzy research, eating out, returning to school.

Do we realize how heartless that is?
I’m not immune to it. I want to get back to my life. I miss hugging people and sitting around the table. I’m so tired of being at home. I consider myself to be a kind and compassionate person and I’m still thinking about it.
And yet I’m walking past people every day at my internship in the hospital that are locked in their rooms, with nothing, with no one. And we’re all too proud to wear masks or really worry about it but the fact is that these people are leaving the world alone.
Some want to argue that the research isn’t clear, that masks may really not be helping, that you can’t be asymptomatic, whatever. Maybe all of that is true. But choosing to believe it is an act of selfishness.
Maybe masks don’t work. But I’ll be damned if I don’t wear one knowing full well that my doing so could keep someone from taking their last breaths without getting to hold their daughter’s hand or tell their brother they love him. If you feel above it you need to check yourself.
It’s not even all our fault. Our society teaches us that we are the most important person and everyone else is just a character in our lives. Our president chooses to put precautions by the wayside while our people are, let me reiterate, dying alone.
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