Okay, fine. I'm going to do one of those dumb threads.

Last year, the Utah County Commission asked me to serve on what they called the “Utah County Good Governance Advisory Board” to look into whether the county should change its form of government. https://twitter.com/TannerAinge/status/1283522993910476801
We had to swear to uphold the constitution and everyone wore nice clothes to the meetings. It was super formal, super legit. Aside from yours truly, a bonafide dipsh*t, the best leaders in Utah County were on the board.
Among those leaders were @DeidreHenderson, @mayorkaufusi, a professor who always wore a bowtie, nearly every mayor in the county, and a bunch of other people who were somber and wise and attractive.

Not that being attractive is relevant, but you deserve to know all of the facts.
We met 1-2 times a week in locations throughout the county. The meetings were long and detailed. And if I'm being honest, they were also super boring.

The bowtie guy talked a lot. Nice guy but, man, he sure liked talking.
Where I come from we call guys like that a "linger longer." They don't got sh*t to do so they linger around and make sure everything goes longer than it should.

I missed a decent amount of fishing because of Professor Linger Longer.
But that's not the point of this thread.

We had experts from all sectors and viewpoints come in and give us their opinion on what form the county's government should take given how much its grown and is projected to grow in the future.
These experts would come in and sit in front of a mic and we'd pepper them with questions like we were @AOC grilling another overpaid CEO live on C-SPAN.

I've never felt more powerful or alive.
We did a lot of boring research, asked smart people to explain smart things, and spent a lot of time debating what was best for the future of Utah County.

It was a volunteer board, and everyone on it was working in good faith with genuine love for the county we call home.
At the end of this exhaustive process, the board took a vote and unanimously recommended the county move to a Mayor-Council form of government with five council members representing districts throughout the county.

I was proud of our work, but thrilled to be able to fish again.
We sent our recommendation to the county commission and asked them to put the proposed change of government on the ballot in 2019 for Utah County citizens to vote on how they'll be represented in the future.

Enter Bill Lee.
Billy Boy squashed our recommendation like it was nothing more than a grasshopper without legs. He made sure the county couldn't vote on the new form of government until 2020.

Well, Billy Boy, 2020 is here. And it's awful. Seriously, there's so many terrible things happening.
In the midst of the terrible, a phoenix rises from the rubble in the form of our board's recommendation finally making the ballot in November.

Now Utah County gets to have its say. I'm not sure why, but I'm confident they'll do the right thing.
If you live in Utah County and want to ensure shenanigans like yesterday don't happen in the future, make sure you vote in November to change our current form of government.

To sweeten the deal, I promise to not run for Utah County Mayor if it passes.
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