Things that should be implemented before we implement outdoor mask wearing:

1. You touch it, you buy it at stores.
2. The elimination of lines altogether.
3. No more Aisles
4. Only 1 person can go in/out a door every 30 seconds.
5. Mobile Pay Only
6. No More Pens
Issue #1: Shoppers at target like to touch clothes/pillows/etc just to feel them. At grocery stores people pick up things to read the box then put them back. At 7-11 people touch 3 drinks before choosing the one they want. YOU TOUCH YOU BUY!
Issue #2: People have crippling line anxiety. Next time in line, when the person in front of you moves up 1 inch, don't move up 1 inch and watch everyone behind you have a panic attack. People do not have the mental strength to not inch up. You get there 0 faster.
Issue #3: Aisles don't work in COVID. Sorry almost every store. To get in or out of an aisle, you basically have to get within inches of other people. People will never follow a 1 person per aisle rule or a "one way" rule.
Issue #4: You look like a jerk if you don't hold a door, but this is the same as the aisle issue but worse. Even with 2 doors, it is always one person in and one out at the same time, inches from each other. Plus, these doors have handles that everyone touches.
Issue #5 & 6: A billion people touch the pinpad, it is not sterilized by the cashier. The same goes for pens and signing things. The pen at my fave carryout spot is touched by hundreds of people a day. People are also using Cash...that is basically handing over corona.
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