I'm not an expert on infectious diseases and that's because my degree is in a different branch of technology and science.

For that reason, I'm prepared to listen to experts who have spent years studying the subject.
What's an expert?

Well, in musical terms, it's somebody who put in the ten thousand hours learning to play their instrument as opposed to the gowl who bought a guitar yesterday and learned two chords.
Isn't it astonishing that so many people will accept the accomplished guitarist as an expert and also the pilot who takes them safely to their holiday destination, but suddenly when it comes to medical science they know better?
People with no scientific training at all know more than doctors who have devoted their entire lives to understand the minute details of a very difficult subject.
Let's see what happens when they attend their doctor with a sudden severe pain.

Let's see what happens when Trump tells them to distrust pilots because nobody knows more about flying a 737 than he does.
Will they still know better than everyone else?
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