Ok. The virus is pretty much over and done with in Sweden for now. Who knows if it will come back in September/October? (no one that's who, anyone who claims to know is an idiot) so I'll do a little rant because the discourse has been absurdly stupid
So it started in February (in Europe). The virus from China had spread to Italy and Austria and who knows where else.
By March people were all excited doing little graphs of virus cases and projecting exponential growths. Anyone who dared point out that the exponential rates wouldn't *couldn't* last was *ridiculed*
And this was *obvious* from the log graphs everyone liked. It should have been a straight line. Already mid March it was obvious it wasn't. They looked like this.
But if you tried to point this out you got this
-That's curve doed not show an exp..
-Oh yeah! Tell that to my doctor friend who wad crying desperately as he told me he had to chose who to put on ventilator!
-That doesn't make the curve ex..
And then death numbers started to pop up. And suddenly a *hundred* years of medical practice of judging health hazards by lost life years was thrown out the window. One 93 year old with four other diseases dying was the same as one case of infant mortality
And another hundred year old practice. Of sometimes simply giving up when there was no hope beyond extending hospital life a few days and offering palliative care was presented as something entirely new.
And then came the "lockdowns". The term was never defined. There was no talk of judging decision X based on virus stopping effect vs negative other effects. No. Everyone had to have a *lockdown*. To hell with what the term meant.
Initially it was to be two weeks "lockdown". It was never clear why two would achieve anything. It was probably picked because it was a convenient amount to watch Netflix and eat chocolate.
And then came the moralizing about people going to the park or whatever. To hell with what was clear since March that outdoor spreading wasn't important
The worst variant was this
[Picture of dude in his pool next to his giant house eating delivered food and drinking delivered alcohol]
"Surely we can stay at home a few weeks. I am prepared to endure it"

To hell with the delivery people or people in cramped quarters
My main regret is that I didn't think of going "The problem with the French is that they have no word for an apparatus designed to behead people by means of a falling blade"
And then in April cases/deaths/hospitalizations peaked in Sweden. But this was not supposed to happen. There had been no "lockdown". So what to do?
People simply *ignored* it! They closed their eyes, put their fingers in their ears and went "lalalala, I hear nothing"
And this just went on! In May. In June even! People pointed at what was obviously a tiny pebble and went "yepp, look at that giant mountain"
And then came the "herd immunity" thing. It was decided that R was 2.5 and thus an immunity of 60% was needed to have an effect. By the genius formula (1-X)*R=1
It was often presented as "scientists have calculated that.." and not as "someone picked a number out of a hat"
And then there were various antibody tests. And obviously to hell with 50 years of knowledge of immunology and sample selection and immunities not picked up by the tests. But this was not even the main problem.
The main problem was that *nothing* was supposed to happen before you hit 60%. 30% immunity? Forget it. No effect whatsoever on the virus. You have to hit the magic number at which point a virus gnome comes running and shouts "BINGO"
And finally now. That while the virus pops up here and there it is at a quite low level at least in most of Europe. What do people do?
They can barely *hide* their disappointment at not having lived through the Black Death. They pin their hopes on the second wave. "Well, you thought this was something. Just you wait until the second wave. It will be ten times as bad.

Based on *nothing*
End rant
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