Thinking about cognitive dissonance when it comes to believing oneself to be a ‘good’ person and how that might be affecting some of the UCP MLAs—or not
I mean, unless they are utterly deluded, some of them had to know, before April 2019, that they were horrible people. If you willingly commit election fraud, cheat voters, accept envelopes of cash from secret sources, illegally kill wild animals,
fire single mothers at Christmas, make up lies about the previous government and spread them around, threaten to beat people up, make back room deals in exchange for cash, etc., even on some lizard brain level, you’ve got to be aware that’s not right.
And if you’ve been pandering to ‘Christians’ by pretending to be one yourself, but you kind of just ignore all that 10 commandments stuff about not lying, cheating, and stealing, you’ve got to know you’re a phony, a liar, and a hypocrite.
But, there are a few of them who I think at least imagined themselves to be good people until last April. They had reputations in their communities for doing church and charity work, helping people, maybe served on some boards etc.
I can give them the benefit of the doubt that they believed or were duped into believing that they could do good for Albertans if elected.
So how do these same people now stand in the #ableg and read out prepared statements that are full of lies, deliberately mislead Albertans, support Bills that will hurt Albertans,
support the way taxpayer dollars are being misused, and basically permanently trash all the good will towards themselves they ever earned prior to being elected? I truly wonder. Are they afraid to speak up? Have they been promised something?
They can’t possibly be believing what they are saying. Were they terrible people all along and just better at hiding it? I really am baffled at how a few of these MLAs could sacrifice their reputations and integrity forever going forward.
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