I love that several school systems are leaning into data and science and protecting educators, children and their families with distance learning.

But I can't help but to cry a little because of this reflection.
When I was on the board of an Old 4th Ward (before Ponce City Market) charter school, mainly pulling students from the Bedford Pines section 8 housing, we wanted to get parent feedback on something. We offered donuts, coffee and orange juice to any parent participating.
I sat down with 1 parent who resisted filling out the survey, trying to coax her into the value it would provide to the board. She continued to resist, but picked up the survey - and it was that moment that I understood why she resisted.
The parent could not read. We found a happy medium in which I read the survey questions and she answered.

But that was a wake up call. I made the incorrect assumption that all parents could read. Read the notes that teaches stuck in backpacks, read homework with children
So as we transition to a virtual environment - we KNOW some will be left behind because 1) access to internet & the equipment needed 2) some parents want so desperately to support their children, yet need support to do so.

This will exacerbate educational attainment divide.
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