I'm trying to think of the last time the Dems ran a campaign as limp and forgettable as whatever it is Biden is doing right now and I'm coming up short. Even Biden's campaigns against other Dems in the primaries had more bite. Not surprising, just depressing as all hell.
The main platforms of Biden's campaign so far seem to have been
- "Sure, I might be a creep but at least I'm not that OTHER creep!"
- "I'm not Bernie Sanders!"
What I don't understand is why there isn't a coordinated effort by national Dem leadership to at least put out consistent, sharp messaging about the reality of the crisis we are in and what they could offer as far as hope, stability, etc. Don't even need Biden to "star" in that
Instead the GOP remain unified and consistently on the attack while the Dems have decided the possum approach to campaigning-- just play dead until November!-- is the right way to go during the greatest crisis of most of our lifetimes
What is especially frustrating is that there is very real voter energy and momentum in places like Texas, and if the national Dems put even the slightest effort into helping local activists here, they could win the state back and deal a huge blow to GOP power for decades
Anyway, I guess the lone light in this tunnel is, assuming we even make it out of it at all, I do believe mainstream Dems have fucked up here so poorly and been so useless that I think we will probably see a strong third party emerge after
I've seen so many people of this generation and the upcoming generation take this situation as a wake up call about the need for more of us to run in local elections and steal back the power the GOP acquired by filling up offices on that level
Texas in particular has been big for that because we've all become aware of
a) how the Dems just threw this state to the wolves after Nixon
b) how GOP only controls the state because of voter suppression and unconstitutional gerrymandering
c) how many positions run uncontested
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