alright, thread time. let's talk about what went down after 9/11, war crimes, and the history of white men in badges getting away with murder.

If I have to know about it, then you do too.

(CW: graphic images and stories of torture, death/dead bodies, mass death, and rape)
(Also, this is gonna be a 20+ thread and I will be GRAZING the surface. I'm also not an expert by any means. I just grew up hearing about all of this and these are only SOME of the major war crimes you should know about. Read a book. This thread can only take you so far. )
"The War on Terror":Before we start, you should know all of this was motivated by a desire to (re)establish American standing as the world's leading power. Not to "get the terrorists!" Not to get oil. They already controlled the oil resources of Iraq.
9/18/2001 George Bush signs a Joint Resolution authorizing the use of force against those responsible for the attacks. This is cited by the Bush admin as legal rationale, from invading Afghan., to eavesdropping on us citizens w/o a court order, to the detention camp in Cuba.
The War in Afghanistan: Information, rationale, and overal casualties during this war is IMPOSSIBLE to find. There was no actual reason for this one. Look it up. This was just a cock measuring contest for America. an estimate of over 100,000 people have been killed in the war.
War in Afghan pt 2: In May 2011, they assasinated Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda. Time to go home right? Job done? Nope. THIS WAR IS STILL HAPPENING. Between 2011-2017, 17,000+ civilians were killed. Details are horrific, but here are just two well known incidents:
The Bagram prison: in 2002, 2 prisoners, Mullah Habibullah and Dilawar were repeatedly chained to the ceiling by their hands and beaten so severely, autopsies revealed trauma comparable to being run over by a bus. 4/28 involved soldiers served time, 5 months being the longest.
Kandahar massacre: On March 11 2012 US Army Staff Sergent Robert Bales murdered sixteen civillians and wounded six others. Nine of his victims were children. Some of the corpses were partially burned. It was suspected to be retaliation for a crime they didn't commit.
Maywand murders: In 2009, 3 Afghan civilians were murdered by a group of soldiers who called themselves the "Kill Team," who collected their body parts as trophies and took degrading photos with the bodies. Only one of them is still in prison. The photo is of 15 yo Gul Mudin.
The Iraq War: In 2003, the US invaded Iraq & stayed until 2010. The US stated that the intent was to remove "a regime that developed/used weapons of mass destruction, that harbored/supported terrorists, committed human rights abuses, and defied the demands of the UN & the world."
Iraq War pt2 : Saddam's Rule collapses and Baghdad is under American Control. Americans helped for once! But this was just a reason to stay in Iraq bc "humanitarian intervention." ("we're helping them!") Propaganda was an essential part of the 2003 war.
Iraq War pt 3: Between 2003-2020 the IBC project reported at least 185,000-208,000 violent civilian deaths, mostly by U.S. and its allies, but this number is different everywhere I look. The US grossly underestimating, ofc.
Fallujah: In 2004, the US led an assault on Fallujah, leaving many buildings destroyed and displaced much of the 300,000 population. They used white phosphorus among their arsenal, which burns through to the bone and cannot be relieved with water, as well as Uranium bullets.
Fallujah pt 2: Both of these weapons are believed to be the cause or related to the immense radioactivity in the area, as well as a spike in severe birth defects. This twitter account records and publishes pictures of the birth defects happening daily: 

Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse: Read about this one, it will make you sick to your stomach. After the invasion, the army and CIA refurbished and ran a prison in Abu Ghraib, Iraq. Included in the charges are physical and sexual abuse, torture, rape, sodomy, and murder.
Abu Ghraib pt 2: The torture was well documented. I tried to include photos that were respectful of the victims, but the pics are horrible. The Bush admin didnt acknowledge the abuses until the pictures were published, and said "its just a few bad apples!"
Abu Ghraib pt 3: I have a deep hatred for Sabrina Harmon. She's the one smiling next to the people she murdered in the photos above. In this article, she claims to have just been "documenting the atrocities" and is "misunderstood." she got 6 mo in prison.
Abu Ghraib pt 4: This one is especially hard for me because I remember my mom telling me about MULTIPLE prisons occupied by the US around her city that were death zones. You go in, you don't come out. She said "they all have been torturing people. These ones just got caught."
Haditha Massacre: On Nov 19 2005, a group of marines killed 24 unarmed Iraqi civilians. The reasoning is allegedly to avenge a fallen soldier, so they took it out on innocent people, most of them children. All charges were dropped for all of the soldiers. No justice AT ALL.
I'm gonna stop now I'm sorry if I missed something importnat or if this was just awful n long, I just feel like not enough people know what happened and you should be informed. so don't ask me why i hate pigs who hide behind costumes and guns. do you understand now?
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