We have the thread of the BS UNC has pulled this summer (see pinned tweet)

I wanna start a thread about ppls concerns on returning. Various ppl follow from different areas of the school & this will serve as a place to see diff ppls worries & allow us 2 unite & support each other
Also feel free to dm me privately and I’ll add your concern anonymously

I’ll start with some of mine:

- not requiring covid testing prior to arriving
- lack of transparency on off ramp options
- Greek life not being held accountable
- mask enforcement
- staff getting sick
An undergrad student via Instagram:

“UNC MUST make sure there will be NO frat parties. They just gotta stop them.”
An undergrad student via Instagram:

“Strict enforcement of social distancing on groups with primarily people of color and not on white groups.”
Another student via insta:

“Is there a backup plan from prof if their students get sick? How will they alter their syllabi/class format if students get sick and have to quarantine for 2 weeks.”

I didnt even think about that. Any prof following care to comment their thoughts?
Undergrad student via insta:

"The effects [of] higher cases due to students will have on local businesses/year-round residents"

another undergrad student via insta:

"If they'll not give us refunds they are supposed to from financial aid"
Undergrad via insta:

"sufficient on-campus food options for people with dietary restrictions"

Via insta:

"where will students quarantine before going back to at-risk family if they depend on aid money?"
Undergrad via insta:

"Apathy towards the virus amongst frat boys and administration is enough to get everyone sick even if we're quarantining and taking the right precautions."
An alum from a UNC system school via insta:

"Honestly I'm more concerned about other students around me, I work at target."
Undergrad via insta:

"Bus transportation"

Another undergrad via insta:

"Kevin said in a fac meeting a few days ago that he was afraid we may not have enough reagent for testing which isn't surprising bc the USA as a whole is kinda short on it."
@123Vijankush has created a petition and in his thread below, he's outlined student concerns https://twitter.com/123Vijankush/status/1283779749819617286?s=20
Undergrad via insta:

"people going to parties and infecting everyone plus meal plan situations for off-campus students."
Undergrad via insta:

"That I will get sick [and] take up a hospital bed that someone else really needed to survive. And if I do get sick, either I bring it back to my family, or my family will have to pay bills."
Undergrad via insta:

"Frats/sororities refusing to have any regard for anyone in the unc & greater CH community."

"Able-bodied students getting professors, campus workers, & immunocompromised sick."
(continued from the same student)

"UNC doing everything they can to protect their profit instead of their students."
undergrad via insta:

"Getting sick myself and spreading it to others without knowing, particularly family."
You can follow @hannawon72.
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