I experienced sexual harassment from a coach at @albioncollege. Three other teammates and I reported it to Title IX and the athletic director. The college knows and conducted a short investigation where they concluded what he did was wrong but they just told him to stop doing it
I attend a D3 school where academics and athletics are supposed to go hand in hand however this coach insisted that academics were second to practice.
He called me "foreskin" instead of my name for over a month despite me repeatedly asking him to stop.
He once tied me up with twine while I was on horseback and then asked if I was into BDSM. Do you know what it's like to be asked something so personal and inappropriate by a man who is in an authoritative position over you?
This coach told me that if there was alcohol involved it wasn't sexual assault. I was sexually assaulted my freshman year and he knew that. (And if you check @albioncollege's Sexual Assault Reference Guide, you'll notice that "no one who is impaired by alcohol... can consent")
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