I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in my mid twenties. The Austrian doctor after whom Asperger syndrome is named (Hans Aspberger) was an active participant in the Nazi regime, assisting in the Third Reich’s so called euthanasia (murder) programme and...
supporting the concept of racial hygiene by deeming certain children unworthy to live, according to a study by a medical historian. I used to identity with Asperger’s Syndrome because “I’m not like those other Autistic people, I’m an Aspie”.
Translation: I’m the “better” Autistic
I used to identify with the term because I was sick and tired of people’s ableism when I told them that I was Autistic. As an Aspie, I felt superior, like I was better than those with “Classic” or “Low Functioning” Autism, and that’s not okay and is ableist!
The concept of “Low functioning” and “High functioning” Autism is just harmful. Depending on the day, I’m both.

There is a socially constructed hierarchy of autism which is usually defined by functioning labels. These are often distilled into high and low functioning.
These kind of labels are harmful and many within the autistic community fight against them. Asperger’s Syndrome was considered a milder (read ‘higher functioning’) form of autism so some people who identify as Aspies use their specific diagnosis as a way...
to signal their place at the top of the hierarchy. Maybe you we Can as people just stop naming medical diagnoses after the people who first categorized them? Particularly if the term is being changed specifically because that scientist gave it a offensive name, to begin with.
It’s bad enough that people try and define us by our diagnoses. We really don’t need to be defined by our vague association with the people who first studied us too.
I am sharing this because i want YOU to know and understand this and why it is ableist to continue perpetrating the stereotype of an “aspie” as being better than. Sharing is caring and i Care enough to not participate in ableism against those os us with autism.
NOBODY held me accountable or called me out on my ableism. I researched and had to publicly hold myself accountable as we all should for our actions that harm others. And thats on....
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