The now prominent school reopening conversation was well overdue

But in the shift to talking about IF and HOW schools reopen, I feel like we’ve lost the plot (me included)


We need standards for what low community spread means

Cuomo is the only governor I’m aware of that has put out specific thresholds

Resources like these help

Right now, in the U.S., we have low community spread in the Northeast.

In the NE, reopening schools is reasonable if:

We keep community transmission low by pausing business reopen (w/ fed UI & stimulus), masks, phys. distance, testing & tracing

Schools get federal $ ASAP

We reopen schools carefully w/ remote option for teachers & students who need it

In the rest of the country, especially in hotspots, reducing the spread of COVID19 can be the only priority

Reopening/keeping open ANYTHING not essential in these areas is unconscionable

Lock it down now!

Think NY circa March and April

Reasonable plans for places that it is not safe to reopen schools?

Digital learning now & plan for careful reopening of school buildings later

Delay start of the school year & plan to extend

Have public criteria for reduced spread that must be met to open buildings

(We should be thinking about extending the school year and extending time in school everywhere, to support learning needs of students given the emergency school closures, with federal $ to fund this)

Public reopening criteria should be used to motivate public health adherence a la ⬇️

Schools need federal $ NOW, regardless of the date they physically reopen

They need $ to fill the gap left by diminished state coffers

They need $ for challenges of education amid a pandemic: meeting health & safety standards & add'l learning needs

Have things changed, since I wrote my column?

The federal government continues to abdicate its responsibilities

As do some states

COVID has spread -- more locations in crisis

A hopeful sign is that some states are rolling back reopening & mandating masks

A not hopeful sign is that we have yet not seen the widespread #schoolsbeforebars closures & masking & testing we would need to seriously stop spread across the country

We must implement/maintain the public health measures we know work:
closures (w/ fed $)

In the NE, this sustains our progress so we can reopen schools

In the rest of the country, this makes it possible to even discuss school reopening


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