Fight for your libraries and librarians or they (we) will be gone. Do not talk to me about non-proficiency in reading if kids have not learned to love to read and do not expect ELA teachers to do yet another job on top of the many others they are expected to do.
Many peralibrarians do more than push books around. If you don’t know what someone does for the kids, ask them. The state education budget cuts are about to be ruthless. How long will people keep expecting us to do more and better with less, then complain about “quality”?
Please, please amplify more student voices in discussions about school reform or restructuring. We need to hear from them and stop using the excuse that they are young and don’t know anything which is NOT accurate.
Anybody who listens to oler student especially talk about the pain they experience in the school system will and probably should end up in tears because what we are doing is criminal, on so many levels. Disappearing their library workers in the night is one way that pain happens.
When I’ve seen children cry actual tears at school it is most often because someone they trusted to care for them disappeared or betrayed them. Occasionally it is because of the drama of being a kid, but we are hurting them with our unjust policies, practices, action, inaction.
I’m afraid it’s about to get worse, not better with regard to who is considered an essential worker...My only hope is that we will include students in more conversations since we are supposed to be serving them, not the other way around.
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